Wednesday 29 July 2009

Take a second look

Whilst walking the lovely streets of Chelsea and Fulham today, I took many strolls along the Kings Road and I happen to firstly, bump into an actress who's name I do not know, who used to be in footballers wives. Some time later I bumped into Sir Bob Geldof and then blow me down I saw Felicity Kendall, who was out walking her gorgeous little white fluffy cute!!

You cannot help but to admire the streets that are lined with lots of nice houses and businesses leading on and off the Kings Road in Chelsea. I have a mission to accomplish, so far so good, I did not solely achieve all that I set out to achieve today, but then if I had of, that would have been far too easy, so therefore I shall take a second look.

I have so much to achieve and instead of saying in so little time, there is in fact plenty of time for me to do all of the things I want to do, if not more. I shall further continue this mission in a couple of weeks time where I shall keep you posted of any further notes either through this blog or via my news section. What I do know is that something tells me I am in fact doing the right thing.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Pathway to success

I cannot but help to admire the drive and determination that I have to be as successful as I can be...let's face it, who else is going to that for me!!. It was not about the money or the fame with me, it was about doing something in my life to help others but actually loving what I am doing..

There is no easy pathway to success because if it were that easy I would of done it years ago!!
I certainly felt that my entrepreneurial skills came out later in life, but then I suddenly realised that yes they were always there, I just hadn't been made aware of them..until much much later.

I work and work and continue to work hard, my mind just doesn't stop ticking, tick tick, it is like a little alarm clock in my head that just keeps on ringing:) One day, yes one day I am sure I will feel happy and contented with what I have achieved but for now I shall just keep on going..and continue to do what I love..and that is helping others, whether that be you achieving your goals, fulfilling your dreams, I certainly know that I am on a mission.........

Another Day

Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Today is not just another day, neither was yesterday as is not tommorow not just another day, they are all special days. Why are they special days you may be wondering, I live in the time frame where I don't just sit there thinking about doing something I actually go ahead and do it.
We are all forgiven for many things we do in this lifetime, but achievement and success is something that we do not need forgiveness for, unless of course you are one of those people that have hurt lots of people to get where you are today.
We can go out there, live our lives to the full and still remain to be a good person. The trouble is some folk are a little fickle, or so it would seem and they do not like to see people achieving success and being happy whilst doing it. This is a shame, I know but really not a problem for me, now that I have recognised this I can do something about it..all I do is go around the stumbling block.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Labour of love ~ a new dimension

It is with much discovery and heart wrenching that I say "no" to democracy and "yes" to the labour...of love. We cannot mix business with pleasure but what we can do is keep our views and opinions entirely honest on all levels.

I believe that to invite and welcome in the unknown and untried you must first trust yourself enough and once this is achieved you can then move onto the next dimension.

I feel I am now at that place or stage in my life where I am ready for "anything" that this wonderful life has to offer me. I have realised that these things do not and have not come easy, but boy have I climbed a few mountains and crossed a few rocky rivers.

I also know that there are no more huge mountains to climb only the adversity and diversity that one's challenges in life can sometimes bring.

I have also been made aware that I will be taking on a huge responsibility which includes a whole wealth of experience that I have encompassed over the years.

I really am looking forward to actually seeing my dreams being totally fulfilled and utilised to their very fullest potential. As I have always said and will always state, there are, no half measures, the glass is either full or it's empty.

As much as I do not like to ponder or dwell too much on the past, I cannot help but to remember those very dark days of my past when everything in my life felt empty including myself. What I can say to that is "gone are those days".

Sunday 28 June 2009

A Fairtytale

As I sit here writing my memoirs to you, this takes me back to 2003. I can recall this memory very well as I ponder over my thoughts and actions at that time.
Most days of late, what seems most bizarre about that time, is the fairytale to which I encountered.

A new beginning, a different level, a different space, a new way of life. It is certainly taking time to fully manifest, but I have no doubts at all...I will just await Spirit to do their magical work.

"Yes", is what I say to the expression and freedom to be exactly who you are and at peace with yourself. If you long to be loved, to be heard then listen to your heart, your soul.

A new dawn awaits, a new city, a new place, new people, it's my destiny and no-one can take that away from me. This may surprise many, but, eventually seeing the truth is what really counts, matters of the heart which cannot be taken or be destroyed from one's true self.
I have the confidence, the knowledge, I also have the pleasure of knowing who I am and that I am truly loved.

Thursday 25 June 2009

Expansion on the horizon

As I ponder today, I feel a sense of warmth and gratitude. Energy is shifting and changing at quite a pace, a feeling of expansion is on the horizon.. Whether this travel takes place in the physical sense as well as on the astral plane I have yet to discover...

All I know is that I have this wonderful great desire to go to California, for many of you that have been could well be thinking I am some crazy woman. For me it really is about the energy, the smell, the taste, the people...I cannot wait to discover it.

I know that they have a lot of spiritual people doing my kind of work, I want to link more with those people, the connection of like minded souls. I want to walk up and down the streets of California, from dusk until dawn.

I kind or know how Spirit work, or at least I should do after working with them for quite a few years now. However, when it comes to me, because I work for them, they do have this slight tendency to play little games with me...all harmless I must add:), they may just surprise me.
Everyone I ever meet is never a coincidence, there is always a reason, so if I am meant to go then I trust Spirit enough to link me to the right person/people...California here I come!!

I will certainly let you know when and if this happens for me in the physical sense, if not I will just have to enjoy the Spiritual connection I have with California and be grateful for that.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Being Positive

That's the message of the day as I sit here drinking my coffee and writing my thoughts to you. If we just took a little bit more time out to really think about how we are behaving and the kind of energy we are giving out. Life would be a lot simpler if only more like minded souls understood the importance of being more spiritual.

It really isn't difficult to be spiritual, it is as simple as just being nice to one another, it doesn't cost us anything, it certainly doesn't hurt anyone, yet why does it seem so difficult for some and not for others.

Only time will tell us the answers but for today I remain calm and focused on the tasks up ahead of me. I have been travelling this path for some time, with it's twists and turns and the occasional bump, but hey if I didn't have the bumps I certainly wouldn't be who I am today. I am very proud of who I am each and everyday.

I like me, I love me and that's what matters most, how do you feel about yourself? Are you being kind, thoughtful, honest, giving but most importantly loving....firstly loving yourself and then you can love others.

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Essex and London, United Kingdom
I have been a Light Worker since 2000 after giving up a career in Retail Sales Management. I am a proud Mother to 1 daughter.